Back in February 2019, my friend Jamé aka The Blonde Misfit convinced me to *finally* start documenting my love of beauty. And thus, my first Instagram Beauty review was born! I was so scared out to ... READ the POST
Elevate Your Work From Home Experience
With COVID numbers still high, and many of us working remotely, here are some ways to keep your spirits lifted while you're working from home! Adult RecessMove your body for 15min around noon or ... READ the POST
Should Your Home Address Be Included On Your Resume?
Safety first, friends! Once upon a time, not too long ago, there was an expectation that job seekers would include their home address on their resume. Students were advised by career services ... READ the POST
Elements to Remove from Your Resume
A few minor tweaks could lead to an interview! Multiple PagesUnless you're an executive, have 15+ years of experience or are including your portfolio, you typically don't need more than a one-page ... READ the POST